Today, I thought I would answer some of the questions I get about my photography and tell you about how the photos come about or how many photos does it take to get one really nice one?
To make this more concrete, let’s take a look at my last trip to the Maldives last month.
On that trip I took some 3900 photos during 16 dives. After the first level sifting, selecting and throwing out of photos that don’t make that cut I have 350 nice photos left for Instagram but 40 good enough for prints in the A4-format of which around10 of what I call fine art photos, that can be magnified significantly without loss of quality. Of course, these 40 allocated for prints, have to be both interesting and ideally exceptionally beautiful too 😊.
So what about the photo itself? Let’s take a look at this example of a manta. For this photo I used my Nikon D850 – a fantastic camera with 46 mega pixels. I have the camera in Iso 200, f/6,3, 1/125 sec and I have used a 8-15 mm fisheye, a big glass port and two strobes on manual settings.
And to answer the question if I use filters – definitely I do. Everything to try to do something to make the photo as beautiful to watch as possible, and thereby my name ScubaARTFOTO 😊. But of course, it is not always that I need to apply much filter to get a nice pic. To show the difference of “before” and “after”, here is first the original photo of the manta and then after 4 hours of work in Photoshop.
We use to say, that taking the photo is just a half the work, the other half is the hours spent in front of your computer.
Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or comments? Just use the comment field below, I look forward to hearing from you.