When diving with Sea Explorer in Maldives 2021, I was using Nikon D 850 , with strobes YS-D3 from SEA&SEA and even the underwater house was from SEA&SEA with different lenses,

This beautiful box fish did we found at around 15m deep.
I was using Nikon D 850 with 60mm macro lens and dubbed strobes YS-D3 from SEA&SEA ,
setting was ISO200, f/11, 1/100 60mm macro lins

This small said beauty did we found in the end of the dive at just 5meter
setting 60mm macro lens , setting ISO 280, f/11, 1/160 60mm macro lens

This shy Clown fish didn’t wanted to be in a photo, but i got him, haha
Setting ISO 140, f/10, 1/160 60mm macro lens

This school of gals fish did we found in a cave, just beautiful
Settings ISO 320, f/7,1, 1/160 8-15mm fisheye lens

Take a look at this beautiful Dive site, Call Anemone city, Absolut on of main and Grace favourite site to dive on
ISO 800 , f/5, 1/250, 8-15mm fish eye lens

My love in a opening to a cave how was looking as a hart
settings ISO320 f/7,1, 1/160 8-15mm fisheye lens

beautiful Lion fish, i know that many pepole don’t like them, but i think they are magic to look at even if they are really destroying at some places.

I like this shot, i small school of fish in the big blue
settings ISO 640, f/8, 1/160 8-15mm fisheye lens

I love this shoot, i call this print Yesterday, why???? i have been seeing so many coral reef been destroyed year after year, so this soft coral garden is maybe gone tomorrow, that the reason to Yesterday.
setting ISO 400, f/10, 1/250, 8-15mm fisheye lens
Me and Grace we hope to go back to this amazing place soon again, and visit with our buddy’s at Sea Explorer.